Apollo Construction Company Inc

Large office building during construction - Idaho Falls General Contractor Apollo Construction Company Inc.

Common Mistakes in Commercial Building Designs

There are numerous factors to consider when designing a commercial building, with every aspect representing a crucial element in the potential functionality of the structure. Hiring an experienced Idaho Falls Contractor greatly enhances your chances of success.

Some common mistakes made with commercial building designs include:

Accounting for Expansion

Although the primary objective of any business is to grow over time, many people fail to account for this need. It’s essential to consider issues such as extra office space, warehousing needs, and new business models. An effective way of accomplishing this objective is by integrating an open-office plan. This will allow you to easily alter spatial distribution without paying a small fortune.

Incorporating Sustainable Building

Green-based construction has grown in popularity in recent years, with the government stating that any public agency whose headquarters are over 5000 square feet have to meet LEED standards. This approach enhances energy efficiency and reduces operational costs.

Postponing Security Considerations

Many people tend to address security concerns after construction. Incorporating this aspect early on enhances the effectiveness of the integrated solutions, as you won’t have to force square pegs into round holes. For high-quality commercial building design services, call us today! Apollo Construction Company Inc, your top-rated commercial contractor.…

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Custom outdoor metal structure with benches and sun lights - Idaho Falls Metal Construction Company Apollo Construction Company Inc.

Key Aspects of Metal Building Designs

Metal buildings have become a popular choice in the construction industry over the past decade. However, it’s crucial to ensure that an adequate approach is adopted when looking to integrate this element into the structure.

Some key aspects an Idaho Falls General Contractor will need to consider when working on metal building designs include:

Prefabricated Provisions

Unlike concrete construction projects, metal buildings don’t involve a lot of cast-in-place options. Most of the structural activities include prefabricated components which are then assembled on-site. It’s essential to ensure these components are reliable in terms of quality, efficiency, and logistics.

Go for Stainless Steel

The most popular metal alternatives for construction include steel, aluminum, and copper. Of these options, stainless steel arguably represents the most ideal solution as it’s easily sourced, affordable, and highly sustainable. Its structural properties also make it great for withstanding external natural elements.

Foundation Alternatives

Some foundation alternatives available in the market include perimeter footing, pier and beam, and ground mounting. Concrete slab foundations, however, are generally regarded as the best option for metal buildings. For high-quality, professional metal building designs, call us today! Apollo Construction Company Inc, your top-rated commercial contractor.…

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A completed full metal warehouse with garage door and overhead lighting - Idaho Falls Metal Construction Company Apollo Construction Company Inc.

Primary Aspects of a Commercial Building

Investing in a commercial building requires careful planning and implementation. Apart from the aesthetic elements of the construction, it’s crucial to ensure that the final result meets all the requirements required regarding purpose and functionality.

Some of the primary aspects a Metal Construction Company focuses on with commercial buildings include:

Managing External Elements

Some states regularly deal with extremely harsh weather conditions and natural disasters such as tornadoes and hurricanes. As such, the stability of a structure is crucial. Steel structures have gained popularity because of their ability to withstand factors such as prevailing winds, hurricanes, and earthquakes.

Means of Egress

A means of egress refers to routes within a building that lead to exit points. There has to be a way that individuals can effectively evacuate the building during emergencies. They include features such as fire escapes, stairs, and hall walkways. Most regional building codes have regulations on suitable means of egress.

Maintenance Requirements

Appearance and functionality can have a significant impact on the success of the commercial venture practiced in the building. It’s thus crucial to choose materials with high levels of durability and simple maintenance requirements. We offer a wide variety of commercial building design solutions, so call us today! Apollo Construction Company Inc, your top-rated commercial contractor.…

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Steel structured store with shelves of products after a remodel by Idaho Falls Metal Construction Company Apollo Construction Company Inc.

Benefits of Metal Buildings

The introduction of metal buildings has greatly enhanced elements such as durability, longevity, and stability in construction. These structures can be defined as buildings that integrate steel into their support framework, as well as exterior cladding.

Some of the advantages you can enjoy with a metal building include:


Steel is the most popular option integrated with metal buildings, with the alloy representing a recyclable solution. Multiple studies have reported that steel is one of the most recycled materials in the world, making them a great eco-friendly solution, enhancing sustainability levels. It also doesn’t give off toxic fumes during construction.


Opting for steel when working on a project with a Commercial Construction Company can lower the overall cost through prefabricated solutions. Many firms take a pre-engineered approach that integrates the use of prefabricated components that are simply assembled on-site. This also reduces the timeline involved.


Lastly, longevity and durability are major benefits when working with metal in commercial construction. This material lasts longer than concrete, and its flexibility makes them ideal for enduring harsh elements such as strong winds. We specialize in the construction of metal buildings, so call us today! Apollo Construction Company Inc, your top-rated commercial contractor.…

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Two finished multi-family apartments with brown and peach accents by Idaho Falls Residential Construction Apollo Construction Company Inc.

Designing a Commercial Building

Designing a commercial building involves multiple variables. Contrary to popular belief, commercial building designs don’t only deal with the appearance of a structure, but rather integrate multiple elements to achieve the highest levels of its intended purpose.

Some crucial elements to consider when working on a commercial design with your Idaho Falls Contractor include:


Simply constructing a space that hosts a particular activity doesn’t fulfill the overall functionality of a building. Construction must accommodate aspects such as expected capacity, foot traffic, emergency provisions, and expansion capabilities. Elements such as parking spaces and VIP entrances might also need to be considered.


The US government has established several federal requirements and guidelines for sustainable building to reduce the emission of greenhouse gasses and waste of resources such as energy and water. The more sustainable your building is, the more affordable it will be to maintain.

Building Codes

Different states have varying building codes. As such, it’s essential to take the time to do your research to ensure that you don’t overlook a particular requirement you might not have been aware of. Established contractors in your region will already be aware of these codes, however, so call us today! Apollo Construction Company Inc, your top-rated commercial contractor.…

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Planning a Commercial Building

Undertaking any commercial real estate venture is a significant investment and something that can’t be rushed into. Any errors can significantly impact the whole operation.

Some important aspects to consider when hiring an Idaho Falls General Contractor for a commercial project include:

Choosing a Location

It’s essential that you carefully research the intended location of your building project. It’s crucial to ensure the dedicated site is in a suitable zoning area. Local municipalities have dedicated areas for varying building purposes. If your site is located in a residential area, erecting a commercial construction would be impossible without having the zoning changed.

Calculate Financial Projections

The best way to determine a suitable budget for your venture is by calculating financial projections related to all aspects involved with the costs and expenses of the venture. This includes accounting for miscellaneous costs, fluctuating market rates, and potential problems that could delay your progress.

Identify All the Permits Required

There are numerous permits involved with commercial building projects. Knowing what you need beforehand will ensure you’re not sidetracked by the sudden need to acquire a particular permit before moving on. Established construction firms will handle these issues on your behalf, so call us today! Apollo Construction Company Inc, your top-rated commercial contractor.…

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Rigid buildings large white building with massive garage door and AC unit - Idaho Falls Metal Construction Company Apollo Construction Company Inc.

Commercial Construction on a Budget

It can be argued that there’s no such thing as cheap commercial real estate. Even small-scale ventures are likely to cost tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars. However, there are some strategies you can implement when looking to invest in commercial construction on a budget, some of these include:

Implement Value Engineering

Value engineering can be defined as the evaluation of potential resources, designs, and functions of a building project in a bid to identify a system that will keep costs down while achieving your overall objectives. Its main objective is to eliminate unnecessary costs without lowering the quality of results.

Keep it Simple

Another aspect that can significantly raise the overall costs of a construction project is the particular design of the building. The more complex the design, the higher the costs are likely to be. Sticking to tried and true methods in terms of materials, shapes, and angles can go a long way in mitigating costs.

Hire a Project Manager

The Commercial Construction Company you choose must provide a project manager with their services. This is an individual who handles the planning and implementation of a construction project and has experience working with various limitations including budgets and timelines. We offer high-end commercial construction services at affordable rates, so call us today! Apollo Construction Company Inc, your top-rated commercial contractor.…

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Tall blue glass commercial building completed by Idaho Falls General Contractor Apollo Construction Company Inc.

Finding an Ideal Construction Firm

A commercial construction project places significant reliance on professional contracting services. The size of such a project makes any DIY approach impractical. There are numerous contractors available in the market, some elements to consider when choosing the best candidate include:

References, Testimonials, and Experience

Testimonials and references are the best way to gauge the potential quality you can enjoy with a particular candidate. Finding a firm with established former or current clientele can negate the possibility of false reviews. A company will be unlikely to claim that they’ve collaborated with companies like Google or Bloomberg, for example, if it isn’t true.

Permits, Insurance, and Licenses

A majority of states in the US require an official license before they can acquire any permits for commercial projects. These permits are necessary to conduct multiple activities related to electrical wiring, plumbing, and structural work. Choosing an insured candidate also makes sure that you’re not financially liable for any accidents or damage that occurs during the project.


Find candidates that have previous experience in projects related to your own. If you’re constructing a retail venue, for instance, finding a firm that has dealt with several malls and stores enhances your chances of success. For the best contracting services in Idaho, call us today! Apollo Construction Company Inc, your top-rated commercial contractor.…

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Large church building with multiple awnings - Idaho Falls General Contractor Apollo Construction Company Inc.

What to Consider with a Commercial Building

Commercial real estate is one of the most reliable investments in the market when it comes to return on investment. This option generally makes more money than residential structures because of the nature of the property and the clients involved with the transaction.

Some important aspects to keep in mind with commercial building projects include:

Zoning and Building Codes

Two things you can’t circumvent when planning a commercial construction are zoning laws and building codes. Zoning laws determine what kind of buildings can be erected in specific areas. Building codes outline the standards expected of different structures. They can include aspects such as safety precautions, dimensions, and building practices.

Hiring a Certified Contractor

Choosing a reliable Idaho Falls Contractor is crucial to your chances of success. All candidates should be officially registered and feature at least 3 to 5 years of experience in commercial real estate. They should also be able to present confirmed previous works on their roster.

Financing and Payment Options

Finding funds for a commercial real estate project can be daunting. Luckily, the market offers a wide variety of payment and financing options that ensure you don’t have to live as a pauper trying to find the money for your venture. We offer a flexible range of payment options for commercial buildings, so call us today! Apollo Construction Company Inc, your top-rated commercial contractor.…

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Large white building with dark windows - Rigid buildings Idaho Falls General Contractor Apollo Construction Company Inc.

Stages of a Commercial Construction

The housing boom experienced by the US market in 2019 generated a lot of investment interest that has not entirely died down after the pandemic. If you’re considering an investment in this sector, some of the key stages of any commercial construction include:

Development and Design (Preconstruction)

It’s essential to carefully plan your project, highlighting the primary objectives expected with results. Going through your design plans with a professional Idaho Falls General Contractor ensures that you develop practical objectives that can be accomplished within your budget, and are in line with the building codes in your area.

Building and Logistics (Construction)

This involves the actual erection of your structure and is arguably the most chaotic phase of all 3 stages. You’ll need to acquire several permits before you begin, including electrical, building, and plumbing licenses. The primary steps of this stage include preparing the site, laying the foundation, raising the structural framework, and installing amenities.

Inspection and Approval (Postconstruction)

The final stage will involve a final walkthrough to identify any minor flaws. You will then receive a substantial completion certificate, and your local building authority can conduct a final inspection. We offer high-quality contracting services at affordable rates, so call us today! Apollo Construction Company Inc, your top-rated commercial contractor.…

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